The existing President of the World Cossack Associations is Vassiliy Layshko. He has been held this position from 1997.
Mr. Layshko was born in 1952 in place called Krasnodar the capital of Kuban Cossack's territory, it is in South of Russia. He has moved to USA in the beginning of 1990. On his arriving to USA he has established the contacts with many Cossacks organizations here in United States. Mr. Layshko has became very active member of Kuban Cossack Associations, which is located in Howell, NJ. In few year Mr. Layshko has been awarded rank of Colonel and has become the chief of staff of the Kuban Cossack Associations.
My father looks a lot like Vassiliy. My father says he is a descendant of Kuban Cossack